Time and Date
Arrangements, Time and Date
The Sacrament of Baptism is normally undertaken on a Sunday either during the morning service, which begins at 10.25am, or after the morning worship service at 12.30pm. Both are in the context of worship, and will involve readings, hymns and prayers.
Please bear in mind that we will try to accommodate your preferred date and time, but some months are more popular than others and the minister, Trevor, is only available on certain Sundays in the month.
Photographs and Videos
Photographs may be taken during the baptism/blessing ceremony, as long as they are taken discretely, without the use of a flash, and the person taking the photo remains in their place so as not to distract the family and those taking part in the ceremony. There will also be allotted times during the ceremony where you will be invited to come forward to take photographs.
If you have a professional photographer it is advisable for them to arrange to speak with the Minister, Trevor, a few days before the service to discuss the details to ensure we can meet all your requirements.
Please contact the minister, Trevor, on 07854 640773, or email minister@christchurchclactonurc.co.uk, if you would like any further information on this.