Music and Confetti


Music often plays a significant part in thewedding ceremony, from the entrance of thebride and recessional music, the hymns and songsduring the ceremony, and the music during thesigning of the register.  We have an organist whois very talented and can play much of the moretraditional music, including the ‘Bridal March’ and‘The Wedding March’ and we also have a CDplayer which can be used for anything you wish toplay which is more personal.  If you are providingyour own CD, however, can you please ensure it issent to us in advance of the wedding day as veryrarely some internet downloaded music is notrecognised by our CD player.  We have provideda list of hymns which might help you decide whatyou wish to have on your wedding day.


We do allow the throwing ofconfetti and rice after thewedding service but we do politely ask that this is doneoutside and away from the doorsof the church as it can become a slip hazard to those coming inand out of the church,especially when it is wet.