Christ Church URC

Knowing Jesus and making Him known

Our Mission Statement

oining together in worship

E xperiencing God’s love

S haring in fellowship

U nderstanding God’s message

S preading God’s Word

At Christ Church we have activities throughout the week.  Explore our website, have a look and see what we do.  Know that you will be welcomed here.  


Christ Church Clacton URC

knowing Jesus and making Him known

You will always receive a warm welcome at Christ Church URC.  If you are a visitor please complete a visitor card and leave it with us.

Worship Sundays

Morning Worship 10.25am

Junior Church 10.25am

Worship in the Week

Thursday Morning Prayers 9.30am – 10.00am

Church Open for quiet prayer afterwards

who likes a good read?

Saturday Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning at Christ Church URC

Coffee Morning is held on the first Saturday in the month, from 10am – 12noon.
There is a book stall, a cake stall, teas,coffees, bacon rolls, raffle and a warm welcome.

Do come along and enjoy friendship, fellowship and food – see you there!

Anyone for bacon butty?


Welcome to Homemakers at Christ Church URC

Homemakers Ladies Meeting 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2pm ~ September– May.

On the 6th December there will food and a social and on the 20th carols by candlelight.

Come along and enjoy friendship and fellowship with a guest speaker or entertainer.

All welcome! Contact Loesje Gibbs 01255 420994

Little Angels

Welcome to Little Angels at Christ Church URC

Parent/carer and toddler group for pre-school children.

Wednesdays 9.30am – 11.30am term time only.  Drop in any Wednesday to see Auntie Catherine if you would like any further information – everyone is very welcome

Welcome To Messy Church

at Christ Church URC

Messy Church at Christ Church is led by Mrs Trish Hahn and is specifically for families

who have a child or children with S. E. N. D. and their siblings.

For more information contact Trish on 01255 483288.

Messy Church usually takes place on the third Saturday of the month form 10:30am – 12:30pm,

all are welcome!

We have craft activities ~ sensory room ~ toys ~ interactive Bible story and songs ~ lunch

a warm welcome is awaiting you!

Coffee & Chat

Welcome to Coffee & Chat at Christ Church URC

A warm welcome awaits you at Coffee & Chat on Thursday

10am – 12noon for coffee, cake and fellowship we never close!

The church is open for quiet prayer and there will be someone to pray with you if you wish.

Please contact  Sue on 07711 420 357  if you would like to know more.

Bible Study

Welcome to Bible Study at Christ Church URC

At Christ Church URC, we encourage further study of the Bible and learning God’s way for us, by meeting in small groups in our own homes.  Here we can read the Bible and share our own thoughts and ideas.  We usually do this with a cup of tea and a biscuit!  We also share friendship and fellowship at these informal meetings.  There is one Bible Study group meeting on a Wednesday afternoon from 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm.  We arrange the dates of the meetings to suit those who attend.  If you would like further information please contact John at 

Room Bookings

Hall Hire at Christ Church URC

Are you having a party or a meeting or do you need somewhere to hold a fitnessclass?  At Christ Church we may be able to help.  We have three rooms available for hire. There is a large hall, for parties, or a fitness class or a large meeting; a medium size room, for a smaller gathering or a club; a smallroom for small meetings.

There is a modern fitted kitchen which can also be used on application.

Rooms can be hired as a one off, or on a regular basis.

Charges are £14 per hour, or £40 per evening.

Please contact Mrs H Williams at

Film Evening

Film Evening at Christ Church URC

Church Life – Film Evening

. All films suitable for all ages.

Adults £5, Children £3.50

We arrange a Film Evening, which includes popcorn and a drink, followed by a fish & chip supper.

Doors open at 4:00pm

Film Starts at 4:15pm

See the church diary for the next event and the film we will be showing.