The Wedding Service

It is important to realise that the weddingceremony is both a Christian service and alegal contract, and in the latter we act asan agent to the Registrar at Colchester Registry Office. Christ Church hasappointed ‘Authorised Persons’ to act onbehalf of the Registrar, and one of these‘Authorised Persons’ will officiate at theceremony.  The wedding ceremony,including photographs and the signing of theregister usually lasts about one hour.

The service usually includes a bible reading,perhaps a poem or a reflection, and somehymns or songs.  We have some options ofpoems and readings, which you can find inthe menu underWeddings and the page isentitled Poems and Readings, to help youdecide what you would like, but do not feelrestricted by the choices, if there issomething else you prefer do please contactthe minister, Trevor, to discuss.

There are a number of choices for both thedeclarations and the vows that are made and the options have been included in theWeddings menu, look for WeddingDeclarations or Wedding Vows.  Theminister, Trevor, will guide you throughthem when he meets with you.  Do pleaselet the minister, Trevor, know which onesyou prefer.